Monday, August 31, 2009

Prayer for Misty and Her Family

Good morning,

I wanted to let you know that Misty's grandfather, Melvin Berdin, went home to the Lord. Misty and her grandmother have peace and they know the Lord is with them. Misty's mom died when she was a teenager and her grandparents raised her. To her that is her parents, so losing her grandfather was to lose her dad. She said she had peace and thanks everyone who prayed for them. She asks for prayer
for her grandmother who is a cancer patient(breast cancer) and for herself to get through theprocess of the funeral. God bless all and thank you.
Love, Cathy and family

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Pray for Melvin Berdin

Please pray for Melvin Berdin. He went in for a simple surgery on his colon and ended up having a stroke and now on life support fighting for his life. His grand-daughter Misty is asking for all prayer warriors to inter-cede on his behalf. He is at Ochsner Hospital in Jefferson, LA. Thank you all for prayer for him and his family.


Prayer for Charyn (Sharon)

I am asking for prayer for my sister, Charyn(Sharon). She has medical problems and is meeting with Social Security for help tomorrow. She has not been able to work since January and they need the help. She is not able to hardly walk since she lost mobilty in her leg and arm on her right side and it has not returned. The doctors have not been able to pin-point the problem. They ruled out every thing from stroke to MS. Every test comes up negative. She is scheduled to see a specialist in
Dallas if they approve the SS. Her insurance will not pay for this specialist because it is not on her network plan and it is very expensive. We are praying for her to get the help she needs for both physical and finacial needs. Thank you all and God bless. Love, Cathy

Prayer for Laurie Schwartz

Prayer - diagnosed with breast cancer.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Please Pray For Sam

Background Story
Our son Sam is a wonderful young man who is 8 years old. He will be 9 in January. He is going into the 3rd grade in Reynoldsburg , Ohio . Sam had been having some pain in his right knee most of this summer (2009). As the pain increased we realized that something might be wrong and we made an appointment for him to see an Orthopedist on 8/10/09. At this doctors appointment an X-ray was done of Sam's leg/knee and it showed that there was a mass that the doctor believed to be cancerous. Samuel went into the hospital just a few days later for a series of tests. He received a cat scan, MRI, and also a full body scan. Our family met with the pediatric oncologist the following day and Samuel was diagnosed with a type of cancer called Osteosarcoma (stage 4). The cancer is in his right knee and it has also spread to both of his lungs. This is an agressive type of cancer and it will be treated with agressive forms of chemo. We are asking everyone to please lift up our litle boy Samuel Gordon Bish in prayer. We pray for healing!! We serve a mighty God and we know that HE can heal Sam if that is his will for Sam's life. Please be prayer warriors along with our family as Sam starts this very difficult journey in his young life.

Debbie Culotta

Surgery today to remove lump in her breast.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Prayer for Russell Fetty & Family

Please pray for Russell Fetty surgery Monday due to colon cancer. Also is recovering from mouth and throat cancer.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Please pray for the Smith Family

thank you for your prayers and encouragement.

Eddie was given 1-3 months to live. It is just tearing my heart out.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

From Susan Ross

Thanks so much. We are depending on prayer. She is signed up for hospice now. Praying she receives her eternal reward very soon. Thanks again. Love, SUSAN

Prayer for Will and Monica Frishy

I have a request… I would like to put a friend on the prayer line. I have an employee that works at the daycare for me and my husband and she just found out yesterday that her husband has stomach cancer. Their names are Will and Monica Frishy. Everyone, please keep them in your prayers. They have to go back in 3 months to see if it has progressed any.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Prayers Shawls Received During Peru Mission/The Shoe Man

The mission was indeed successful. We saw 485 patients, supplying treatments, medication, clothing and prayers. The Peruvian people are so thankful for all that we do. Attached are pictures of two of those receiving your shawls. I took them with my camera. The first one is a missionary couple. They were so happy to be selected. The second is a mother and her baby. The shawls and the people who received them were prayed over. (Thanks Margaret for assisting me with my mission of distributing shawls created to honor God and offer hope through the Prayer Shawl Ministry).

The Shoe Man
I showered and shaved............. I adjusted my tie.
I got there and sat............... In a pew just in time.
Bowing my head in prayer.......... As I closed my eyes.
I saw the shoe of the man next to me..... Touching my own. I sighed.
With plenty of room on either side....... I thought, 'Why must our soles touch?'
It bothered me, his shoe touching mine... But it didn't bother him much.
A prayer began: 'Our Father'............. I thought, 'This man with the shoes has no pride.
They're dusty, worn, and scratched. Even worse, there are holes on the side!'
'Thank You for blessings,' the prayer went on.
The shoe man said............... A quiet 'Amen.'
I tried to focus on the prayer....... But my thoughts were on his shoes again.
Aren't we supposed to look our best when walking through that door?
'Well, this certainly isn't it,' I thought, Glancing toward the floor.
Then the prayer was ended........... And the songs of praise began.
The shoe man was certainly loud..... Sounding proud as he sang.
His voice lifted the rafters........ His hands were raised high.
The Lord could surely hear the shoe man's voice from the sky.
It was time for the offering...... and what I threw in was steep.
I watched as the shoe man reached.... into his pockets so deep.
I saw what was pulled out............ what the shoe man put in.
Then I heard a soft 'clink' as when silver hits tin.
The sermon really bored me......... to tears, and that's no lie.
It was the same for the shoe man...for tears fell from his eyes.
At the end of the service...... as is the custom here.
We must greet new visitors and show them all good cheer.
But I felt moved somehow................ and wanted to meet the shoe man.
So after the closing prayer......... I reached over and shook his hand.
He was old and his skin was dark..... and his hair was truly a mess.
But I thanked him for coming......... for being our guest.
He said, 'My names' Charlie............ I'm glad to meet you, my friend.'
There were tears in his eyes........ but he had a large, wide grin.
'Let me explain,' he said.......... wiping tears from his eyes.
'I've been coming here for months.... and you're the first to say 'Hi.''
'I know that my not like all the rest”.
'But I really do always look my best.'
'I always clean and polish my shoes..before my very long walk’.
'But by the time I get here.........They're dirty and dusty, like chalk.'
My heart filled with pain.......... and I swallowed to hide my tears.
As he continued to apologize........ for daring to sit so near.
He said, 'When I get here...........I know I must look a sight”.
'But I thought if I could touch you..then maybe our souls might unite.'
I was silent for a moment........... Knowing whatever was said.
Would pale in comparison... I spoke from my heart, not my head.
'Oh, you've touched me,' I said......and taught me, in part”;
'That the best of any what is found in his heart.'
The rest, I thought,.................. this shoe man will never know.
Like just how thankful I really am...that his dirty old shoe touched my soul.
(Thanks Dan for forwarding this to me today).

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Prayer for the Ross Family

Our prayers are offered today and during this difficult season for Pastors Rick and Susan Ross and their family. God we ask that you bless them and may they feel your love and comfort as they walk down this journey before them. Amen.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Eddie Smith

Eddie's MRI on his spine came back clean. Praise the Lord. Still waiting on confirmation of 2 spots in his lungs.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Eddie and Sharon Smith

Eddie is currently in the hospital here in Little Rock. Thought the clot had broken loose and gone to his lung but not the case. He is having some chest pain and a lot of leg pain where the clot is located. They will be running MRI's and other tests on him today.

Appreciate your prayers.


Friday, August 7, 2009

Eddie We Are Still Covering You In Prayer

just got home. finally got in to see his doctor. she changed his pain meds and he is doing somewhat better now.

Eddie This One Is For You

thank you - you are an angel. Eddie is having a really bad day already. Lots of pain in the leg with the blood clot. am going to try and get him into a doctor or hospital one.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Praying for the O'Flynn Family and Mrs. Virginia's Familiy

Please pray for a dear friend of ours, Michelle, her Mom is diagnoised with colon cancer. Her name is Edwina O'Flynn. We are praying for them to remove all the cancer and for her to be cancer free after the surgery on Friday. I know they can get it all out and pray that it has not spread any place else..Amen. We serve a wonderful God..all things are possible to them that believe.

Also, pray for Virginia and her family. Her husband was laid off for 4 months...just got a job, alot less money and they are need of financial breakthroughs, especially for the girls to go to school..we are lifting them up. They are praying for an open door...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Prayer for Cathy, Charlie, Stacie, and Charla

Lord Jesus you are the only one who truly knows their needs. I ask you to shine your face upon them and that whatever misfortune that they are experiencing be turned around for good and not for man's glory but yours so that others can see your love and the power of your hands. May they feel your presence on them like never before and a peace that goes beyond comprehension flooding their soul.


Monday, August 3, 2009

Leslie - Surgery on Wednesday


One of my good friends (Leslie) is going in the hospital Wednesday to have her Thyroid removed. I ask the you keep her in your prayers. She was really sick years ago, and from her having kemo, it seemed to have brought on cancer of the Thyroid. The doctors say this is not unusual. Anyway, Leslie and all who know her are concerned about this surgery because it is a very serious one….as most surgeries. Anyway, I ask that you please pray that God keep Leslie under his watch while in surgery this Wednesday and bring her back to a speedy recovery.

Take care,

Lisa Volpi

Prayer For Dawn Bennett

Pray for our sister in Christ and Prayer Worrier Dawn. The enemy is on the attack. Lord, precious Jesus give Dawan a peace that passes all understanding. Let your presence be known to her like never before. May your angels guard her as she goes out into the world as a witness of your mighty hand. Let her light shine as never before to others so that they may hunger for a closer relationship with you. In God's name we pray. Amen

A Tribute To My Sister Debbie

Please join in prayer today with me for my sister Debbie. She has a growth in her breast and may need surgery.


A tribute to my sister Debbie

Sister, we've been there through life's sorrow and pain
But together we have always endured the strain
We've argued and bickered and made each other mad
But if you weren't my sister, life would be so sad
We've cried till we laughed and laughed till we cried
Sometimes for no reason we didn't even know why
When we're not together our bond is just as strong
Because we are sisters we know when something is wrong
We've whispered our deepest secrets only sisters could share
I love my sister dearly because she really cares
So whether we are together or we are far apart
Debbie, you're my sister, my friend and forever in my heart.

Pray for the Beck Family

I would like to lift up the Beck family in prayer during this time of loss of their mother, grandmother and mother-in-law.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pray For Our Troops

Prayer request
According to the weather reports, it is our understanding that it is 122 degrees in Iraq right now -- and the low will be 95*! Our troops need our prayers for strength, endurance, and safety.. If it be God's will, give these men and women the strength they need to prevail.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Prayer for Joycelin Culotta

Please join with me today in prayer for my mother, Joycelin Culotta who has nodules on her Thyroid gland. I am praying for a total healing in her body, and that she gets a favorable result from the ultrasound that she will be taking next week.


Submitted by - Bonnie Beck